SongKong 9.4 Raise released on 9th August 2023

We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 9.4 Raise


SONGKONG-1882 Add MatchedTo sections to Status Report

SONGKONG-1886 Add BrowseBy Subtitle to Title part of Report to save space.

SONGKONG-2459 Add Match To MusicBrainz/Discogs sections back to Status Report

SONGKONG-2462 Match to MusicBrainz count of track/Album needs should roll up to Artist level

SONGKONG-2465 Excel limits no of rows to 1048576:Unable to do complete Spreadsheet Report:Invalid row number (1048576) outside allowable range (0..1048575)

SONGKONG-2467 Improvements for Large BoxSet with no Metadata

SONGKONG-2468 Fix for detecting Docker Version not applied universally

SONGKONG-2469 Failed call to wikipedia Url, but instead of returning still trys to read data causing it to hang

SONGKONG-2471 When matching subdisc to boxset we should be able to parse folder names that are just the number

SONGKONG-2476 If albumartist is only composer and this looks like a boxset then better to keep composer rather than adding a list performers/orchestra


SONGKONG-2472 Sometimes we allow single songs in folder to match to album even if not album is not part of boxset folder is part of

SONGKONG-2473 Finding releases by Acoustid -> MBRecording -> MbRelease Id not seeming to find all matches