SongKong 9.6 Whirlpool released on 29th September 2023

We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 9.6 Whirlpool


SONGKONG-2508 Add Same Discogs song and album (same version) to Delete Duplicates

SONGKONG-2509 Add Same MusicBrainz song and album (any version) and same number of tracks to Delete Duplicates


SONGKONG-2503 MusicBrainz Song Only Matches should not set IsClassical field

SONGKONG-2506 When FixSongs only matching to Discogs finishes prematurely

SONGKONG-2507 Songs matched to Discogs but not MusicBrainz are not being renamed when have matched to Release option

SONGKONG-2511 Report can fail on creating BrowseByFolder section if have flat folder structure with many songs in folder